We are a group of doulas in North Vancouver, BC and we love what we do. We are passionate about physiological birth and we want to support more women to have powerful births. We see the benefits in our clients and we also see the future benefits we are providing to the generations of women to come, as positive birth experiences pass on through generations.
I could write about all the things a doula does and list why we are so helpful to have around, but I think story-telling always has the best impact…

This is what being a doula is like. And we love it! Each birth is different but the majority of births can look like this. This is what we do – we help you find your way to the powerful birth that YOU want. We support you in what YOU want. We are your cheerleader. We are only here for YOU.
We bring years of knowledge and experience to your unique desires. We have physical tools and ideas, but it’s the teaching of the lost art of birth that is our super power. That knowledge is so powerful in birth and really it’s teaching you to trust your instincts. You already have the ability but we are here to believe in YOU. We will always trust in your ability to birth your baby.
If everything above resonates with you and makes you realize the birth you want for yourself, then let’s talk. We are here for you.
The Process
A free one-on-one consultation in home or local coffee shop.
We serve North Vancouver, Vancouver, and the surrounding areas.
Decide to hire us! Provide a 50% deposit to hold your space.
Unlimited phone and email support throughout your pregnancy.
Two home visits to get to know each other, educate, and answer all your questions.
Referral to our childbirth education class if needed.
On call 24/7 from 37 weeks until the birth of your baby.
Use of our TENS and water birth supplies.
Continuous support through your entire birth at home or hospital.
One home visit a couple days after birth to celebrate and follow-up on postpartum needs
Breastfeeding support
A postpartum doula? An infant sleep class or consult? A breastfeeding class?
Frequently Asked Questions
We mostly serve North Vancouver, Vancouver, and Burnaby. We will take some clients from the other surrounding areas.
When birth begins, please call your doula so she can start making preparations to be with you. Your doula will come as soon as you want her to come, from your very first contraction to a little further along in the process. This is for you to decide.
A doula is a non-medical childbirth assistant, who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support before, during, and after birth to a birthing person and her partner. She is a birth companion, offering reassurance, comfort, and encouragement in birth. A doula will stay with the birthing person for the length of the birth, filling a very unique nurturing role and protecting the memory of the birth experience. A doula’s goal is to provide a positive, satisfying, informed, and safe birth, from an un-medicated birth to a caesarean birth and anything in between.
A doula also supports and guides the partner and family of the birthing person, encouraging them to participate in ways with which they are comfortable. A doula wants both the birthing person and her partner to feel safe and confident before, during, and after birth. This enhances the birthing experience for everyone.
When the doula arrives she will focus on the birthing person’s emotional, physical, and informational needs. She is there to comfort and provide continuous support to the birthing person, as well as the other birth support people.After the birth of the baby she will allow for some bonding time between the parents and baby. She will stay for 1-3 hours postpartum to assist with breastfeeding and postpartum care. During this period your doula will also be cleaning up the birth pool and supplies and making sure everyone is settled, so you can focus on being with your new arrival.
A doula provides support and comfort through numerous pain relief techniques, including breath awareness, relaxation, visualization, birthing positions, and massage. She performs many different tasks, ranging from getting the mother a glass of water, to encouraging her in a soothing tone, to helping her maintain a comfortable birth position.
A doula provides one-on-one advocacy for the birthing person, and strives to fulfill the desires the birthing person might have for her birth. She will help you obtain the information and education to make informed decisions. A doula does not offer medical advice, but instead works to be an advocate for the birthing person, communicating her beliefs and desires where appropriate. A doula will not make decisions or intervene in clinical care; instead, she is there to guide and provide continuous unconditional and non-judgmental support.
Before birth, the doula will meet with you to learn more about your expectations for your birth as well as to develop a relationship. Through these meetings and other communications, the doula will create a birth plan with the mother and discover your fears, concerns, expectations and desires. You’ll have every opportunity to ask any questions you have about birth.
A couple days post-partum your doula will return for a final visit. At this visit your doula will assess your breastfeeding progress, and help with any questions and difficulties you may be having. It’s also a great time to discuss your birthing experience and share how you feel about what happened. She will also ensure that you are aware of the various resources available to you in your community as a new mother.
Numerous clinical studies have found that this level of continuous support improves maternal and fetal health tremendously. There are many benefits to doula care, including shorter birth times, fewer complications, decreased caesarean rates, decreased need for pain relief medications (e.g. epidurals), lower risk of induction (Pitocin), decreased intervention rates, lower use of fetal extraction tools (forceps and vacuum), decreased postpartum depression rates, increased breastfeeding ability, increased self-confidence, positive psychological benefits for the mother, and increased satisfaction with the birthing experience.
We offer the use of our water birth pool to our clients free of charge, as well as some home birth supplies.